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About this lesson
This smart detection function allows you to input tasks with due dates, projects and priority levels. Perfect for adding tasks on the go!
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Quick reference
Intelligent Input
Todoist offers a smart experience allowing you to add dates, projects, priority without the need for endless clicks. The smart detection will create and organise your task into the right place. This is one of the favourite features amongst Todoist power users.
When to use
- To capture and organize tasks with speed
- To help reduce the need for Todoist administration
- Open Todoist
- Select "Quick Add" or "Create a New Task"
- Start with adding the Task Title
- Add a due date using regular input
- The date should turn red/colored
- This is detected by the intelligent input function
- Add a project name using "#" in front of the name
- Finalise by using P3, P2 or P1 to rank the importance of your project
- Press "Save Task"
Hints & tips
- On the first few attempts, always check whether your task is in the right place
- Continue to learn how to use Intelligent Input, be patient
- 00:04 Hello guys and welcome back to this GoSkills course.
- 00:07 It is all about Todoist, and
- 00:09 we have been diving into some exciting elements of creating a task.
- 00:14 As you can imagine, we've learned a few parts already.
- 00:17 We've learned due dates, we've learned how to create recurring due dates.
- 00:21 Also priority levels, as well as the simple and basics to creating a project,
- 00:26 and some exciting things about dates and planning ahead.
- 00:30 So it's a great way to get started.
- 00:32 What we're going to do is actually combine a lot of these experiences
- 00:35 into this final element.
- 00:37 Now, Todoist has something very exciting called intelligent input.
- 00:42 Now, this was introduced to essentially help save you time
- 00:45 when you're capturing or creating new tasks.
- 00:49 As we mentioned earlier in the course, you can actually access it Quick Add
- 00:52 through Q.
- 00:53 That is the keyboard press that would allow you to quickly open up this panel.
- 00:58 Now from this panel, I can demonstrate how to use the new intelligent input function.
- 01:03 This is something that a lot of people do enjoy using inside of Todoist.
- 01:07 So for example, let's say I do want to learn some Spanish this weekend and
- 01:12 I actually want to plan it out.
- 01:14 So for example, I put Learn Basic Phrases in Spanish.
- 01:21 That is the task and in this right hand panel for
- 01:24 schedule, you can actually schedule the due date.
- 01:27 But in this case, I'm actually going to delete this one and
- 01:29 come back to this section here.
- 01:32 Now if I wanted to add a specific date, say for example Saturday at 11 AM,
- 01:37 all I would have to do is type in Sat, as a short code at 11 AM.
- 01:42 And as you can see, it's actually highlighted it.
- 01:44 Now, this is quite important because this will actually schedule it for
- 01:48 Saturday, 11 AM.
- 01:50 Now, it's really helpful because you don't necessarily have to set for
- 01:53 Saturday and 11 AM, you can learn these short codes.
- 01:57 So for example, if I wanted to change it to maybe tomorrow at 11 AM,
- 02:00 although tomorrow is a Friday, maybe I wanted to learn a little bit earlier,
- 02:05 I could add tom and 11 AM.
- 02:06 And that quickly indicates that.
- 02:09 So you can use tom for tomorrow, today for today, tod is in short code.
- 02:14 And you can use for example, this Thursday, this Friday, next Friday, and
- 02:19 even some of the recurring date reminders, say for example,
- 02:23 every couple of weeks to create a recurring reminder.
- 02:26 Now, it is really easy to do something like this.
- 02:30 If you want to add a project, you can use the hashtag to add a project.
- 02:35 So for example, this is a personal item.
- 02:37 So I'm going to click personal, and that's a really easy and
- 02:39 short way to add personal.
- 02:41 Now, if I wanted to add a priority level, let's say this is low priority, I can type
- 02:46 in P3 or P2 for example for a medium level one, or P1 for a high level item.
- 02:52 So you can see here in front of me, I've got Learn Basic Phrases in Spanish
- 02:56 tomorrow at 11 AM, personal in that project, and P3.
- 02:59 Down here if I wanted to, I could add a reminder.
- 03:02 However, I'm just going to click Add Task.
- 03:06 So if I go over to my next seven days section, you can see it's been firmly
- 03:10 added to tomorrow at 11 AM with all the relevant contacts points.
- 03:15 Now, being able to use intelligent input will save you time.
- 03:18 And it also, once you've learned it, give you the abilities to quickly add something
- 03:23 when you are using your Todoist account.
- 03:25 So guys, thank you very much for joining me in section two.
- 03:28 In section three, we'll be diving into the projects
- 03:31 area which is one of the best ways to organize your Todoist account.
- 03:35 We highly recommend that you get started with this one.
- 03:37 Because it's great way to organize all of these items into the relevant areas,
- 03:42 create projects that really suits your needs, and to suit all of your practices.
- 03:47 I'm looking forward to joining you there, cheers.
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