Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Make your animated objects speed up or slow down, or play with or without your intervention, depending on which you desire.
Lesson versions
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Exercise files
Download the ‘before’ and ‘after’ PowerPoint presentations from the video tutorial and try the lesson yourself.
Events and Speed.pptx52.9 KB Events and Speed - Solution.pptx
52.9 KB
Quick reference
Events and Speed
Advanced animation settings.
When to use
To customize a sequence of animations in the Animation Pane or from the ribbon.
These instructions will work provided you already have an animated object on the slide.
- To open the Animation Pane: On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane.
- Several methods to trigger an animation are available on the Animations tab, in the Timing group:
- On Click,
- With Previous, and
- After Previous.
- The duration and delay of an animation can be set with the number spinners in the Timing group.
- The order of an animation in the Animation Pane can be changed using Reorder Animation in the Timing group or by selecting an animation entry with the pointer, and dragging to a new location.
- To duplicate an animation from an animated object to the non-animated object:
- Select the animated object,
- Click Animation Painter,
- Click the object that you wish to animate.
- Further advanced options are available by right-clicking an animation entry in the Animation Pane and selecting either the Effect Options or Timing menu items. Options include:
- tab – settings such as Direction, Smooth Start, Smooth End, or Bounce End. Enhancements include adding a sound, and options for after when the animation occurs.
- tab – Start options, Delay, Duration, Repeat, whether to Rewind the animation and Triggers.
Also note:
Triggers are a means of starting an animation when the trigger is fired – usually on the click of a particular object on the slide.
Login to download- 00:04 This is one of a number of videos about animating in PowerPoint, including,
- 00:08 what is good animation.
- 00:10 Adding animations and the various complex animation types.
- 00:13 This video is specifically about animation events, and
- 00:17 that is what actually occurs in a slide show to fire the animation,
- 00:21 as well as how to customize and change the timing.
- 00:24 So let's begin by going to the animation's tab on the ribbon and the animation pane.
- 00:29 I've already pre-animated this presentation, so
- 00:32 that you can download both this version, in its current state,
- 00:35 as well as a completed version to compare the differences.
- 00:39 We can tell immediately from the text that I've added to these shapes what it is I
- 00:43 wanna do in terms of animating them.
- 00:47 For the first shape, I want to animate On Click, and so on.
- 00:52 From the gallery, we can see that it has a wipe entrance animation.
- 00:56 The effect option is From Left.
- 00:58 And the animation event in the timing group is On Click.
- 01:02 And in fact, all of the shapes on the slide are identically animated.
- 01:07 So let's play that in slide show mode.
- 01:09 Shift+F5 plays the slide show from the current slide.
- 01:13 Now, I press the Enter button to send it Click, you can also do the same thing
- 01:17 by clicking the primary button on your mouse, or by pressing the spacebar key.
- 01:23 In all cases, this sends a click message to PowerPoint,
- 01:26 which responds by playing the next On Click animation event.
- 01:29 So I press Enter to fire each animation event, Esc on the keyboard,
- 01:34 gets us back to our slide, and now, we're back to our presentation.
- 01:39 So the first and second shapes, we'd leave as On Click.
- 01:43 With this shape, I would like to have the animation event to be After Previous,
- 01:48 which I select from the ribbon.
- 01:50 Notice how the timeline indicator bumps out immediately, and
- 01:54 shows us that the animation event is indeed commencing immediately
- 01:59 at the time of the end of the previous animation.
- 02:03 These indicators can be moved with a mouse, either by dragging to a new
- 02:06 position, or by selecting and dragging either the start point, or the end point.
- 02:13 But notice, I cannot drag the indicator before the end of the previous animation,
- 02:18 because it is set to play after that animation.
- 02:22 So using your mouse is a good alternative way to work with animations in
- 02:25 the Animation Pane, in addition to the ribbon.
- 02:29 Finally, we set the last animation to fire with previous.
- 02:32 Again, the timeline-indicated changes and the animation commences
- 02:37 immediately at the time of the start of the previous animation.
- 02:42 Also, I can use the mouse to drag the animation entry to a later time, but
- 02:47 I cannot drag it earlier than the commencement of that
- 02:50 previous animation entry.
- 02:51 Shift+F5 to view the slide in a slide show, Enter to fire the first animation.
- 02:59 Enter to fire the second, and the third follows automatically afterward, and
- 03:03 the fourth shape automates at the same time as the commencement of the third.
- 03:08 So let's just preview that again by going back to the first animation using
- 03:11 the backspace key on the keyboard.
- 03:13 Enter, enter, and again, you can download this presentation to have a look.
- 03:19 So we go to the next slide, and we're going to look at duration.
- 03:23 Each animation is set to a duration of two seconds.
- 03:27 So select the very first entry with the mouse, hold the Shift key,
- 03:30 select the last one with the mouse, which selects all of them in sequence.
- 03:35 And I make all of them After Previous, and so, they will fire one after each other.
- 03:42 Shift+F5, and we can see our first, and second, and third, and
- 03:47 fourth, Esc on the keyboard.
- 03:50 I'd like to make the first one at 0.5 seconds duration.
- 03:55 And notice how the timeline entry for that animation shrinks.
- 03:59 And all of the subsequent animations are brought forward to match without changing
- 04:03 their duration.
- 04:05 I make this one one second, this one 1.5.
- 04:08 Notice also, that I can type the time into the box and
- 04:12 press Enter or Tab to set that entry.
- 04:15 And I'll leave this one at two seconds.
- 04:17 Let's play that with the Play button, and
- 04:19 view the slide show while previewing the timeline.
- 04:22 Rather, fast, slower, slower again, and slowest.
- 04:27 So on slide three, we're going to look at the delay.
- 04:31 These are all On Click with a duration of two seconds.
- 04:33 I'm going to make all of these With Previous.
- 04:36 So Shift+F5, and they all animate together.
- 04:40 I will make the first one animate immediately, which it already is.
- 04:45 The second one, a delay of 1 second, the third one,
- 04:48 a delay of 2 seconds, and the fourth one, a delay of 4 seconds.
- 04:52 And instead of using the ribbon, I will drag this entry in the timeline.
- 04:56 Play, watch the preview, and the timeline, and they all animate in with a delay.
- 05:01 But there's also a bit of overlap, and that's rather a nice effect.
- 05:06 Let's have a look at the order of these animations.
- 05:09 Let's make all of these entries after previous, and then,
- 05:12 play them to see what order they animate in.
- 05:15 Number 1 fires, then number 2, and then, number 4, and number 3.
- 05:19 And it appears as though they've been animated in an order that they were placed
- 05:23 on the slide from left to right.
- 05:26 Now, I want this entry to actually fire last, so I select it with the mouse in
- 05:30 the timeline, click, drag, and drop it to the new location.
- 05:34 Shift+F5, each plays automatically after previous, and then,
- 05:39 number 3 and number 4 plays as I wanted it to.
- 05:43 So it's very easy to change the order of entries on the timeline by dragging and
- 05:46 dropping them with the mouse, as well as, of course,
- 05:49 reordering them with the ribbon.
- 05:51 Finally, let's look at this animation on the last slide,
- 05:55 which is an animation set to emphasis.
- 05:58 And there are other videos that deal with adding these kinds of animations.
- 06:02 The animation is a Pulse, Shift+F5, press Enter, and watch the animation fire.
- 06:08 Notice that it pluses once, what I'd like to do, is have it pulse three times.
- 06:13 So I can right click Effect Options, or even double-click the entry, and
- 06:17 that brings up the dialogue box with three tabs.
- 06:21 Now, we can add a sound to the animation, or make it dim or
- 06:23 hide, as well as options to animate any text on the shape.
- 06:28 Switch to the Timing tab, and again, here is another location for options.
- 06:32 Such as how to start the animation event, the delay, the duration, and
- 06:36 here is the repeat option.
- 06:39 I can drop the arrow down, or selected 3, or repeat until the end of the slide,
- 06:44 or, in fact, I could type any number there and press Enter.
- 06:47 So I select the 3,
- 06:49 press OK, notice how our timeline indicator has changed, so let's zoom in.
- 06:55 Click the second split tab and zoom in, and
- 06:58 we can see that the animation loops every 0.5 seconds.
- 07:03 If we wanted to, we can also right click on the timeline, and
- 07:06 hide the advanced timeline.
- 07:08 You can also drop this little arrow down to go into advanced options.
- 07:12 I prefer to see the advanced timeline, so that I can see the start, and
- 07:16 the duration, and the end of each animation entry.
- 07:20 So let's preview that particular slide, and there are pulses three times,
- 07:23 that's very good.
- 07:24 Learning how to animate and work with animations is a good investment of your
- 07:28 time, and it's so useful to help you present your slides to an audience.
- 07:32 Good luck with them, I love animations in PowerPoint when they're done well.
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