Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Utilize the keyboard or mouse to select cells and ranges in a spreadsheet.
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Exercise files
Download the Excel workbook used in the video tutorial and try the lesson yourself.
Navigation.xlsx9.3 KB
Quick reference
Navigating the Excel Interface.
When to use
Selecting cells and ranges in the Excel interface.
Selecting cells with the mouse
- To select a single cell, just click on it
- To select multiple contiguous cells, left click the first cell, and drag to the last one you want to include in the range
- To select non-contiguous cells, left click the first cell, hold down the CTRL key and click each other cell you’d like to select
Selecting cells with the keyboard
- To select a single cell, use the arrow keys to navigate to it
- To select multiple contiguous cells, select the first cell, hold down the SHFT key and arrow to the last one you want to include in the range
- Unfortunately, selecting non-contiguous cells cannot be done without the use of the mouse
Tab and Enter Functionality
- Pressing Enter will move you one cell down
- Pressing Tab will move you one cell to the right
- Pressing Enter AFTER PRESSING TAB will move you to the cell immediately below the cell you started tabbing from
Inserting/Deleting Columns/Rows
- Right click the Column header (column letter) or Row number and choose Delete to remove a column or row
- Right click the Column header (column letter) or Row number and choose Insert to insert a column or row
- In the QAT, the arrow that points to the left is the Undo arrow
- Clicking Undo will revert the last change in the “undo stack”
- Undo can also be triggered by pressing CTRL+Z
- 00:03 Let's look at how to move around the Microsoft Excel grid now because believe it or not there is actually quite a few different ways.
- 00:11 The first and probably most obvious thing that you would reach to is the mouse.
- 00:15 We can grab our mouse, we can click any cell in the Excel worksheet
- 00:19 to move around. If we need to get to something that's off screen we just simply scroll down a little bit
- 00:24 and then select the piece that we want. Or we could scroll back up using the scroll bar and go back to where we want to be. We can also
- 00:32 select multiple cells by just left click and dragging to grab a bigger area.
- 00:37 And if we wanted to select areas that are not grouped together such as this area here
- 00:42 and then hold down our control key and select G5 through
- 00:48 G9 that will allow us to select two, what we call non contiguous ranges, not grouped together.
- 00:54 So that's how we can use the mouse to move around. Now we can also use our arrow keys so if we arrow right
- 01:02 or left we could arrow down or arrow up that will allow us to move around the grid as well.
- 01:09 The tab key will move us from left to right so tab, tab, tab.
- 01:15 And here's what gets really interesting now is that the Enter key, if you press Enter will drop me back to E6 and why did it happen that way?
- 01:23 Well if I start tabbing from column E, tab, tab, tab and I press Enter it takes me back to where column E was.
- 01:31 If I were to alternately do this with the arrow keys so starting in E5 arrow to the right arrow, arrow and press
- 01:38 Enter it will drop me down one cell. Enter will always move you down one cell
- 01:44 but if you've started tabbing from a certain area then when you press Enter it will go back to the first
- 01:52 or it will go to the next row from the first column you started tabbing from.
- 01:56 So for data entry using
- 01:59 tab and entering numbers, tab, entering numbers, tab, enter
- 02:03 numbers and then press Enter it will allow you to go back to the first column. So that's a real
- 02:06 handy way to actually move through information quickly.
- 02:11 We can also obviously select our worksheets using our mouse. So if we needed to get to worksheet 2 we click on Sheet2 and it'll take us
- 02:19 there and then we've got the same commands. We can click anywhere with the mouse we can use our arrow keys we could use tab keys
- 02:26 or press Enter and move around on the worksheet as well. If I press Enter, Enter, Enter
- 02:31 I go down three rows. So that's how we can move around in those particular areas.
- 02:36 If I wanted to get to a specific cell on worksheet 2 lets say that I had something way down
- 02:41 in the bottom corner in cell, I don't know...Z672.
- 02:47 I could scroll down for it using the scroll bars to try and find it or I could press the page
- 02:53 down key and that would start me moving in some fairly big jumps. Or
- 02:58 if I wanted to I could go to the name box and press Z672 Enter
- 03:04 and it will take me directly to that cell as long as I know where it is I'm looking for.
- 03:10 We could also go back to the top of the spreadsheet by typing in A1 because the
- 03:15 origin cell always in the top left is A1 and that will take us right back to the beginning.
- 03:21 There's also other pieces in here, this starts to get to a little bit more advanced techniques later on but because this file has a table in it
- 03:28 and tables always have names, I can click on the drop down list and say oh there's a defined name for this particular table
- 03:36 lets click on it and it will take me back to the data range for that named area.
- 03:41 You'll find this any time a table gets inserted into your workbook that
- 03:45 those names will be there but anything more than that, we can name individual
- 03:49 cells but as I say that becomes a bit more an advanced technique for later on.
- 03:53 Another thing that's important to realize is how do we insert rows or delete rows. So the way that we do that is
- 04:00 we go and we select our column header and if we right click it we get context sensitive
- 04:06 things that we can do. One of them is Insert.
- 04:09 So if I insert a new row you'll see that it bounces the data to the right that's there and inserts a new column in my table.
- 04:15 I can also right click on my row and say Insert
- 04:20 and it will drop the information down one.
- 04:23 Now what if I didn't want to have that there? Well I could right click on the column header and say delete
- 04:28 and it will get rid of that column. I could right click on the row and say delete
- 04:33 But what happens if I accidentally right click on a row or column full of data and delete it?.
- 04:39 Oops! Didn't mean to do that. Well that's where we need to get you familiar with this lovely little button up here,
- 04:44 this is the undo arrow and undo when you click it will bring back
- 04:50 the thing that you got rid of there. You'll also notice from your undo area
- 04:54 that it will undo a whole bunch of things, there's a bunch of actions that it can actually
- 04:58 keep in its stack right here that its dealing with. So I could undo the deletion of the row,
- 05:04 I could click it again to undo the deletion of the blank column, I could even keep going backwards and undo the insertions as well.
- 05:11 So this is how we navigate the Excel interface that we're dealing with. How we move around in cells and how we actually use undo to
- 05:19 fix some of the things that we've done in the past like inserting and deleting rows.
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