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About this lesson
Learn to sort data in Excel by a single column or by multiple columns.
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Exercise files
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Sorting.xlsx26.8 KB Sorting - Completed.xlsx
25.9 KB
Quick reference
Sorting data in Excel by a single column, or by multiple columns.
When to use
Knowledge of how to use Excel’s sorting feature can be essential for presenting your data in an easy to read format.
Preparing your data for sorting
- Make certain that your data is in tabular format
- It is essential that there be no blank rows or columns interrupting the data that you wanted sorted
- While not essential, it is certainly preferable to have a clear header row for your data
Single level sorts
- Select any cell inside your data table (or the entire range you want to sort)
- Go to Data > Sort
- Configure the way you’d like it sorted, then click OK
Multiple level sorts
- Multi-level sorts allow you to sort by one column, then use another column to sort ties
- Select any cell inside your data table (or the entire range you want to sort)
- Go to Data > Sort
- Configure the primary sort the way you’d like to see it
- Click Add Level
- Configure the secondary sort the way you’d like to sort the ties
- You can continue to add as many sorting levels as you need
- 00:04 In this video, we're going to look at sorting data in Excel.
- 00:08 You can see that I have a table of data here that is perfectly ready to be sorted.
- 00:13 Now, when I say ready, why is that?
- 00:15 Well, it's because this data has some key characteristics that are very important.
- 00:19 Number one, it's got a really nice descriptive header row.
- 00:23 To be fair, this is optional.
- 00:25 But as you're gonna see as we work through the example, having a good header row,
- 00:28 actually makes it even easier to sort than if you don't.
- 00:32 The next thing that is critically important,
- 00:34 there's no blank row between the headers and the actual data itself.
- 00:38 And this is really, really important to recognize, because when you try and
- 00:42 run a sorting algorithm on the data, what's gonna happen is Excel will
- 00:46 gonna pick up the range up to where the first blank row or column is.
- 00:49 And after that, it won't pick up any more.
- 00:52 Now, to be fair, you can override that.
- 00:54 But if your data's in good shape, you shouldn't have to.
- 00:58 Underneath this, we have nice consistent types of data down the columns.
- 01:01 Again, useful, not critical but nice to have.
- 01:05 So let's go and take a look at this.
- 01:06 We're gonna grab the credit card names and
- 01:08 we're gonna sort them in alphabetical order.
- 01:11 I'm gonna go to the data tab, and I'm gonna choose to sort A to Zed.
- 01:15 And that will actually put all the MasterCards up front and
- 01:18 then all the Visas.
- 01:19 Naturally, if I wanted to see this the other way, I could sort from Zed to A.
- 01:25 I can sort by values, if I wanna have the highest values at the top for
- 01:28 maximum interest.
- 01:30 And I can also go an sort by things like the maximum balance.
- 01:34 Now, this is where things get challenging though.
- 01:36 What if I wanna sort by the maximum balance to show the card that actually has
- 01:40 the highest available balance, but I want to show the lowest interest rate on that?
- 01:45 Well, if I come over now to the lower interest rate, and
- 01:48 I sort this A to Zed, you'll notice that it resorts the balances down below here.
- 01:54 The first two are fine, but these guys are not.
- 01:57 So that's challenging.
- 01:58 I need to set up a multi-level sort, and
- 02:01 to do that, we go to the sorting button here.
- 02:05 Now, you'll notice that this is where the headers come into play,
- 02:07 because it's telling me right now that it's sorting by the annual interest rate.
- 02:11 And I'm gonna say, well, that's not really what I wanna sort by.
- 02:14 I'd like to sort by the maximum balance based on the cell values.
- 02:18 And you'll notice that we have other options here as far as cell colors,
- 02:21 font colors, even conditional formatting icons if we use those.
- 02:25 But we'll go with cell values for right now.
- 02:27 And I wanna sort from largest to smallest.
- 02:31 Now, why did these show up?
- 02:33 Well, it's because it knows that my data has headers, and it's been able to pick
- 02:37 that up because the headers here are text, everything else underneath is values.
- 02:41 That's where your consistent data types really come in useful.
- 02:45 Now, that's great, but that only allows me to sort on the maximum balance.
- 02:48 What I want to do is now sort the ties for the annual interest rate.
- 02:53 So, what I'm gonna do, is I'm gonna choose to add level.
- 02:56 And this will allow me to set up a successive sort.
- 02:59 I can now say, let's go with the annual interest rate.
- 03:03 Again, we'll sort on the cell values.
- 03:05 And this time, we'll go from smallest to largest.
- 03:07 And then, just in case there's any ties within that area as well,
- 03:11 maybe I'll sort by the credit card name, from A to Zed.
- 03:15 And at this point, when I say okay, it sorts everything quite nicely so
- 03:20 that I have my maximum balance cards at the top in the descending order,
- 03:23 and the interest rates are in ascending order.
- 03:26 And if there were any ties in this particular area here,
- 03:29 it would then sort the credit cards in alphabetical order.
- 03:33 So that's actually pretty useful.
- 03:35 Now, what if I want to modify this sort for any reason or clear it?
- 03:38 Well, I would go back to the sort.
- 03:40 You'll notice that as I'm doing this, I've only selected one cell, but
- 03:44 it's picked up the entire range of data.
- 03:46 And again, that's why those blank rows and blank columns are so
- 03:49 important to not have in there.
- 03:52 Notice at this point, I have the option to go and select a rule here.
- 03:56 I could move it up if I wanted to change the order or move it down.
- 04:00 I could delete the entire level if I decide this credit card values or
- 04:03 credit cards with the names aren't necessary at all, I can click delete.
- 04:07 And I could keep deleting all the way through if I wanted to do that.
- 04:11 At this point the order is not going to change, but
- 04:14 I'm actually removing the sorting layers from this.
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