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The most successful sales people are experts in their industry. In this video we look at how to build your credibility as an expert.
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Be an Expert in Your Industry
Establish yourself as an expert in your industry, so your customers trust your products, services and advice.
When to use
You should always try to become an expert in your industry to gain the trust and confidence of people who are buying your products or your services, taking your advice or whom you are influencing to do business with you.
To establish yourself as an expert in your industry you need to do the following:
- Research your industry’s past, stay current on the present and predict the future. You can do this by subscribing to trade magazines or joining industry associations or simply talking to your colleagues.
- Teach others what it is you know in your industry. You can do this through blogs, podcasts, emails, white papers, videos or live presentations. Give your customers items of value.
- Promote your expertise on social media (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
- 00:04 In this video, we're gonna look at step one.
- 00:07 Step one to explode your sales is you need to be an expert in your industry.
- 00:12 So what does that mean?
- 00:14 That means that people who are buying your products, your services,
- 00:18 taking your advice, the people you're influencing to do business with you.
- 00:22 They have to look at you as the expert, okay?
- 00:26 So how do you become an expert in the industry?
- 00:29 Well, there's a lot of ways.
- 00:30 The first thing is you have to research your industry's past.
- 00:33 You have to stay current on the present.
- 00:36 And predict the future.
- 00:38 So how do you do that?
- 00:39 Well any trade magazines you have in your industry.
- 00:42 Make sure you subscribe to those trade magazines.
- 00:46 Any industry associations you have.
- 00:48 Join In those associations.
- 00:50 And of course, your colleagues.
- 00:52 Sometimes it's even your competition.
- 00:54 If you meet them through an association or
- 00:56 something, talk about hey what's going on right now?
- 00:59 Where do you think our industry's going in the future?
- 01:02 Where do we start?
- 01:03 So for example, we're a sales training organization, and we know that sales,
- 01:07 people have this idea of sale people.
- 01:09 As that used car salesman or
- 01:12 that telemarketer that's annoying that calls you during dinner.
- 01:16 So we know that that's where the mindset is.
- 01:17 So how do we go from that to being somebody else?
- 01:20 And the best way to do that is to be an expert.
- 01:24 Number two, you wanna teach others.
- 01:26 You wanna teach others what it is you know in your industry.
- 01:29 So you teach others through blogs.
- 01:31 Through podcasts, through emails.
- 01:34 If you do an email campaign.
- 01:36 Through white paper, through videos or live presentation.
- 01:40 So you're giving them items of value, something in their industry.
- 01:44 So for us, I love to shoot videos.
- 01:47 So we'll shoot some videos and we'll send them out to our clients.
- 01:50 Here's some tips on sales.
- 01:52 Here's some tips on how to overcome objections, right?
- 01:56 And now we become the expert, and people look to us, for that training.
- 02:01 Does that make sense?
- 02:02 Good. So what industry are you in, and
- 02:05 what can you do to become an expert?
- 02:08 Okay and then,
- 02:09 whatever things you're teaching you wanna promote those on social media.
- 02:12 So, something like Facebook, do some Facebook posts, right and
- 02:16 friend some, your professional Facebook, friends I mean your clients in that, okay.
- 02:21 On LinkedIn,
- 02:22 it's a great professional network that you can attract clients in your industry.
- 02:28 YouTube, if you're doing videos put them on YouTube. You can use Twitter, etc.
- 02:33 Okay, so establish yourself as the expert in your industry.
- 02:37 There's a lots of ways to do that.
- 02:39 But you have to do it, we have to build the foundation before we move forward.
- 02:44 That make sense?
- 02:45 Okay, you guys got this.
- 02:46 I'll see you in the next video.
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