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There are 4 different personality types. This module explores what those are and the best way to lead each one.
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Once you understand your team, it is easier to lead them and get them to a high-performance level. Look at the team member’s personality to understand how they work and use motivational factors for impact and affect.
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To be an effective leader you should always know the personality of your team members.
The most powerful way to influence your team as a leader is to understand your team. As a leader, it is important to understand the personality types of your team so that you know how to best inspire, motivate and influence them.
There are 4 main personality types and each one will behave or respond differently.
The Captain
- The Captain is decisive, bottom-line oriented, determined, assertive, extrovert
- How to lead the Captain: give them the bottom line, for example a bulleted list instead of pages of fine print. Match their energy by being assertive, powerful and direct.
The Inspiration
- The Inspiration is inspiring, social, influential, extrovert
- How to lead the Inspiration: be social with them, and don’t put them in an isolated role, as they love people. Show them how they can be influential through their work, for example the impact completing their project will have on the company’s growth
The Status Quo
- The Status Quo are steady workers, do not like change, slow paced, pay attention to detail, introvert
- How to lead the Status Quo: give them a long term plan to offer stability, as they don’t like change. Try to keep something constant, even if they work in a changing environment.
The Analyst
- The Analyst is cautious, analyze everything, like rules and order, introvert.
- How to lead the Analyst: ask for spreadsheets and analysis, and give them a set of rules or directions to follow. If you notice they are quiet and introverted, make them feel comfortable by taking your volume down a notch.
- 00:05 In this video, we're going to talk about personality,
- 00:08 because personality types are going to make a huge difference on your team,
- 00:13 and how they behave and how they react.
- 00:17 So, there's four personality types we're gonna take a look at, and
- 00:20 you deal with each of these personalities differently, okay?
- 00:23 So, the first one is called the captain.
- 00:27 We call it the captain.
- 00:28 So, what is that?
- 00:29 These are people who are determined, right?
- 00:32 They're decisive, they're very bottom line orientated.
- 00:35 They're assertive, right?
- 00:37 We look at them as extroverts, so somebody like Steve Jobs.
- 00:42 Somebody like Bill Gates, right?
- 00:44 And it's great, those are some of the traits of them, right?
- 00:47 And there's positives and negatives to all of these, and
- 00:50 by the way, all of us have all four of these personality traits in us, but
- 00:54 as leaders we wanna see what are the top one or two that really stick out with our
- 00:59 team so we know how to best inspire them, motivate them and influence them.
- 01:03 So that we can reach our outcome, okay, so that's captain.
- 01:06 And next one is called the inspiration, the inspiration so
- 01:10 what are the traits of inspiration, they're inspiring right there social,
- 01:15 they're influential, we look at these people they're also the extroverts, so
- 01:19 an example of somebody like that might be Michael Jackson or somebody like Beyonce.
- 01:24 You just wanna be around these people,
- 01:25 they've got a lot of influence, okay great.
- 01:28 And the third one is called the status quo.
- 01:32 These people, they're like the steady workers, right?
- 01:35 They don't like a lot of change, they're very slow paced,
- 01:39 they pay attention to detail.
- 01:42 And these are the introverts, Okay?
- 01:44 So, what would be somebody who's that?
- 01:47 Like, maybe like a Homer Simpson.
- 01:48 All right,
- 01:49 let me give you an example, Homer Simpson, what bar does he go to to drink his beer?
- 01:55 He goes to Moe's, right?
- 01:57 Every time, does he ever go to Joe's?
- 02:00 No, he always goes to Moe's.
- 02:01 What kind of beer does he drink?
- 02:04 He drinks Duff beer.
- 02:06 Does he ever drink anything else other than Duff?
- 02:08 No, very steady, he likes to change, okay?
- 02:13 And then the final, the fourth personality type is called the analyst.
- 02:18 The analysts. So, what are their traits?
- 02:19 Their traits are cautious.
- 02:21 They analyze everything.
- 02:23 They like the rules in order.
- 02:25 And their also introverts, okay?
- 02:27 So, like a librarian or an accountant or you watch the Big Bang Theory?
- 02:32 Have you ever seen that show?
- 02:33 Somebody like Sheldon, okay?
- 02:35 Sheldon would be the analyst.
- 02:37 Okay, so we go back and look at all four.
- 02:39 So you've got the captain, very decisive, bottom line oriented, determined.
- 02:43 When you're leading somebody like that,
- 02:45 you wanna make sure that hey, you give them the bottom line, they're determined,
- 02:49 you're assertive, it's quick, it's to the point, boom, go.
- 02:52 You can give them a bullet point task list and they're gonna get it done, okay|?
- 02:56 Number two, the inspiration.
- 02:58 What do you do? Well, you wanna spend some time and
- 03:00 get a little bit more social with these people, right?
- 03:03 Really show them how they can influence through their work, right?
- 03:07 Because that's what they wanna do.
- 03:08 They are very influential, very social.
- 03:11 At the status quo,
- 03:13 show them how they are gonna be able to pay attention to detail, right.
- 03:17 Lay it out for them, give him a long term plan.
- 03:20 Something that doesn't have a lot of change here, okay.
- 03:23 If you have a changing enviroment,
- 03:25 give them something that have some resemblance of being steady.
- 03:31 Even if it is a change in environment.
- 03:32 Okay, and you have to get creative on that but that's how you motivate that person.
- 03:36 To be comfortable on that environment.
- 03:38 To make sense, coz you wanna get the most production out of them as possible.
- 03:41 And number four, the analyst, give them spreadsheets or
- 03:45 have them create the spreadsheets, right?
- 03:48 They love that stuff.
- 03:49 Just tell them you wanna do this, this, this, and this.
- 03:52 And they'll get it done for you.
- 03:54 So now, you're starting to take the members of you team and
- 03:56 putting them in the projects.
- 03:58 In the jobs,
- 03:59 in the situations that they're most comfortable where they're going tribe.
- 04:03 Make sense?
- 04:04 That's how you do it.
- 04:06 Okay, now, next we wanna look at their motivational factors.
- 04:09 So, we're gonna go even deeper than just the personality alone
- 04:13 to have the biggest impact and affect the most change with your team.
- 04:17 Okay, now, there's a few different things that we're gonna talk about.
- 04:20 So, the first one is money.
- 04:22 Money is a big motivator for some people.
- 04:26 That might look like a bonus or a commission or a pay raise.
- 04:31 That financial motivation or return on investment of time even.
- 04:36 That's what they really like.
- 04:38 They want to see that return on investment.
- 04:40 Typically, it's money.
- 04:41 Number two, somebody will get recognition.
- 04:45 These are the people that like awards, they like a pat on the back, right?
- 04:49 We all like that, right?
- 04:50 But some people, that's their biggest motivating factor.
- 04:53 Some people like style, right?
- 04:56 Or their environment?
- 04:57 Hey, if you accomplish x, y, or z, you're gonna get the corner office.
- 05:01 They love that.
- 05:04 Number 4, contribution.
- 05:06 Some people like to contribute.
- 05:08 Hey, if you achieve this goal,
- 05:10 look at all these people that are gonna benefit from you.
- 05:13 That we can contribute to, okay?
- 05:16 Number five would be learning.
- 05:19 Some people love to learn.
- 05:20 Hey, when you achieve this goal, look at everything that you're gonna get to learn.
- 05:25 And that's gonna be their factor.
- 05:28 And then you've got the people who love the rules and regulations.
- 05:31 Hey, these are the rules, they're laid out here task by task by task.
- 05:37 Once you accomplish this, you are within the rules and the regulations, and
- 05:42 you are really helping to build this company and make it great, okay?
- 05:46 And finally, there's the people who wanna be leaders.
- 05:49 Hey, when you get this done, you get to lead a whole other team or
- 05:53 a whole other department or you get to lead the company, right?
- 05:57 That's a motivating factor.
- 05:58 They get to be a leader.
- 06:00 Now, again all of those have some degree of all these motivation in us,
- 06:05 is just which one comes at the top.
- 06:08 And by getting to know our team members, getting to know their background,
- 06:11 getting to know their metaphors that they use and all these different things
- 06:14 are gonna help bring out their personality and their motivational factors.
- 06:18 Now, there are also some personality assessments that you can take,
- 06:23 that you can find online there is DISC is one of them, Maya's bredge is another one
- 06:28 So personality, things that you can look at sit down with them and
- 06:32 go over their results with them, right?
- 06:34 Or have a professional go over the results with them.
- 06:36 And that's really gonna help you to place them in the place where they've got
- 06:40 their strengths, where they can really thrive, you know what motivates them.
- 06:44 Okay, make sense?
- 06:46 All right, you guys got this and we'll see you in the next video.
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