Frequently asked questions
- How will I be compensated?
- We compensate instructors based on the number of lessons you create. You decide the syllabus and number of lessons for your course, and we pay you on a 'per lesson' basis. We pay in full upon delivery of the course content.
- What type of content would I create?
- Each GoSkills course is broken down into short lessons. Each lesson consists of a short 3-5 minute video tutorial, exercises, 3 multiple-choice quiz questions and a short reference guide outlining what you covered in the video. Your content will be business-focused, designed to help learners master practical skills they can apply to be more productive, keep their knowledge up to date, and advance their careers.
- How will GoSkills help?
- The GoSkills Content Team will guide you through the content creation process. We provide a dedicated Editor to help with the written content and to provide you with early and regular feedback.
- How long does it take to create a course?
- This really depends on you and your schedule. Once you get started, we estimate that it takes approximately 1-2 hours to create a lesson.
- Can I create more than one course?
- Yes! In fact, we love instructors with a broad range of skills and expertise so that we can keep working with you in the long term.
- Who will see my course?
- GoSkills reaches over 478,058 professionals, business people and lifelong learners in over 100 countries.
- What qualifications and experience do I need?
- We like to work with experienced instructors, who already have their own course content available. Additionally, if you have received relevant awards or certifications, you will certainly get our attention.
- How do I get started?
- Apply as an instructor and one of our editors will be in touch to work with you to help you create a short audition video.