Design reference

This is a collection of bootstrap elements (styled) as well as any common reused custom elements.

We use a system font, so the font family depends on the device you are using.

@goskills-yellow #ffd723
@goskills-panel-yellow #faf2d4
@goskills-pink #ef5350
@goskills-charcoal-background #36373c
@goskills-charcoal #1d1e20
@goskills-dark-grey #4d4f56
@goskills-grey #767677
@goskills-grey-second #89949b
@goskills-light-grey #d0d9df
@goskills-off-white #f9f9f9
@goskills-off-white-hover #f1f4f6
@goskills-feature-bg #54606c
@goskills-design-green #50e3c2
@goskills-office-orange #ff8a4e
@goskills-dev-red #ff2d55
@goskills-lean-blue #4088fc
@brand-info #0075cd
@brand-success #1fb08a
@brand-danger #e00001

Old icons

Note also the newer style yellow and grey svg icons, e.g. on a course about page and the Business page.

New icons

New inline SVG style.

actual-off actual-on add
align apple-filled area-graph-filled
area-graph arrow-down arrow-left
arrow-right arrow-up article-filled
article bar-graph-filled bar-graph
bell-filled bell bin-filled
bin book-filled book
bookmark-filled bookmark brightness-high
brightness-low burger calendar-check-filled
calendar-check calendar-filled calendar-minus-filled
calendar-minus calendar-plus-filled calendar-plus
calendar camera-filled camera
cancel cap-filled cart-filled
certificate chat-filled chat
check-filled check checkmark-cirle
circle-filled circle classroom
clock-filled clock cog-filled
cog comment copy
course-report credit-card-filled credit-card
cross dashboard database-filled
database desktop-filled desktop
dots-horizontal dots-vertical download
eject envelope-filled envelope
exclamation-circled exclamation-filled eye-closed
eye-filled eye facebook
fast-forward-filled fast-forward file
filter fire-filled fire
flag focus folded-aeroplane-filled
folded-aeroplane folder-filled folder-open
form frown-circled frown-filled
game-filled game gift-filled
gift googleplus gradient
grid-filled half-star-filled hat
heart-filled heart history
home-filled home info-circled
info-filled instagram learner-report
library-assignements library-recommended library
light-bulb line-curve line-graph-filled
line-graph link linkedin
list-filled location-filled location
lock-closed-filled lock-closed lock-open-filled
lock-open meh-circled meh-filled
microphone-filled microphone minus
mobile move multilesson
nav-bottom-filled nav-right-filled original-price
overview paintbrush paper-clip
pause pencil-filled pencil
phone-filled phone picture
pie-chart pie-graph-filled pie-graph
play-filled play pocket-filled
printer-filled printer question-circled
question-filled question repeat
resize-large resize-small rewind-filled
rewind save search
server-filled server share-filled
share shopping-cart smile-circled
smile-filled sort speaker-filled
speaker-loud-filled speaker-loud speaker-mute
speaker-on-filled speaker-on speaker
speech-filled speech star-filled
star tablet-filled tablet
tag-discount tag-filled tag-price-filled
tag-price tag teams-report
test trophy-filled trophy
tutor tv-filled tv
twitter upload user-filled
user-manage user-minus-filled user-minus
user-plus-filled user-plus user
users-filled users webinar
whatsapp-filled whatsapp windows
x youtube



Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

This is the lead paragraph style.

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula.

This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print.

The following snippet of text is rendered as bold.

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo.

Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.

Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula.

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.


# Column heading Column heading Column heading
1 Column content Column content Column content
2 Column content Column content Column content
3 Column content Column content Column content


A longer block of help text that breaks onto a new line and may extend beyond one line.



Basic panel
Panel heading
Panel content
Panel content



Progress bars

List groups