Microsoft Excel

2 minute read

Excel Challenge 5: Formula Super Challenge

Alan Murray

Alan Murray

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Get started solving the challenge with this Excel workbook. Good luck!

It's time for another Microsoft Excel challenge. Here is challenge #5! 

This challenge is designed to test the Excel formula skills covered in the Microsoft Excel - Basic & Advanced course.

Everything you need to participate in the challenge can be found on this page. To take part:

  • Watch the challenge video
  • Read the instructions below the video
  • Download the Excel worksheet you will use to complete the challenge tasks
  • Put yourself to the test!

Want to chat about your approach and process with other Excel-heads? Join our Slack channel to share your insights and questions with like-minded learners.

The Challenge

This challenge consists of 12 different Excel formula problems that require fixing. Each problem is on a different worksheet.

Download your challenge data

Get started solving the challenge with this Excel workbook. Good luck!

Some formulas are returning incorrect results and others are returning error messages, but why? Do you have what it takes to solve this challenge? 🕵️

Excel challenge 5This is a useful ‘real world’ challenge for those learning Excel. Formulas do not always go to plan, and we need the skills to fix issues that arise.

If you are already an advanced Excel user, maybe this will not be much of a problem. However, it is good to exercise your formula muscles regularly.

If you do consider yourself an Excel expert, take the difficulty level up a notch by timing yourself to see how quickly you can fix all 12 problems.

The Solution

We hope you'll enjoy taking part in this challenge!

Stay tuned to the GoSkills Excel Resource hub for more Excel challenges, and check out our range of expert-led Excel courses for all skill levels to further sharpen your skills.

If you enjoyed this challenge, try the Basic and Advanced Excel course to help you learn more essential formulas, functions, and practical real-world Excel skills.

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Alan Murray

Alan Murray

Alan is a Microsoft Excel MVP, Excel trainer and consultant. Most days he can be found in a classroom spreading his love and knowledge of Excel. When not in a classroom he is writing and teaching online through blogs, YouTube and podcasts. Alan lives in the UK, is a father of two and a keen runner. Find him on Linkedin here.