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How to Remove Duplicates in Excel

Claudia Buckley

Claudia Buckley

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Duplicate data isn’t just annoying. It can be misleading, erroneous, or just plain wrong. Wrong information leads to wrong conclusions, and wrong conclusions lead to bad decisions. 

So let’s clean up your worksheet by learning how to find, and then, how to remove duplicate entries in Excel.

What is a duplicate value?

Duplications may or may not be intentional. A duplicate value is simply one which is repeated throughout a dataset. Of course, duplicates are useful when we want to determine the frequency or number of occurrences of a phenomenon.

But sometimes you only want each value or category represented and summarized once, which means you’ll need to find and consolidate all instances of duplication. Let’s start with finding those duplicates.

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How to find duplicates

If you only want to identify duplicate values in Excel but not remove them, conditional formatting may be just the feature you’re looking for.

Depending on the type of duplicates you’d like to isolate, you may consider creating an extra column to join the entire row or range of cells into a single string. 

In the following dataset, each column has a duplicate value somewhere (there are two Roberts, two Longs, four Jersey Cities, and two FLs). But our real concern is to identify rows that are true duplicates — identical in every way.

Find duplicates in ExcelSo we’ll create a kind of “working column” where you can use any concatenation method to join all the values in a row into a single cell. 

In the example below, we used the TEXTJOIN function.

Find duplicates in Excel - TEXTJOINNow the only thing needed is to apply conditional formatting to column E.

  1. Highlight column E.
  2. Go to the Home tab. Click Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values.

Find duplicates in Excel - conditional formatting

  1. From the Duplicate Values window, with Duplicate selected in the dropdown menu, choose the format you would like to be applied to cells that are duplicated.

Find duplicates in Excel

  1. Click OK.

Excel finds two pairs of duplicates and highlights them. If no further action is required, you’re good to go. But what about if you wanted to go a step further — actually removing duplicate values? To do that, you can choose from any of the methods below.

4 ways to remove duplicates in Excel

1. The Remove Duplicates command

Removing duplicates in Excel is often just three or four clicks away. The Data tab carries a Remove Duplicates icon right on the ribbon.

Remove duplicates ExcelTo use this command:

  1. Click anywhere within the dataset where you’d like Excel to delete duplicates.

Remove duplicates Excel

  1. If your data has headers, ticking the “My data has headers” box in the Remove Duplicates window will ensure that your first row isn’t part of the removal process.
  2. Tick the columns where you want to search for and remove duplicates. Excel will evaluate each row based on data across all values in the ticked columns. Any row where the values in these columns are identical will be reduced to a single row, removing any duplications. To demonstrate this, we will tick only the First Name column.

Remove duplicates Excel

  1. Click OK.

Excel removed three duplicate values (Eugene, Bonnie, and Robert) and their associated rows, leaving only rows with unique first names.

Remove duplicates ExcelNote: If you’re nervous about deleting data, you may want to copy the worksheet first to retain the original data as this method will result in duplicates being permanently deleted.

2. Using advanced filters

The advanced filters feature enables you to copy the data right there on the worksheet just by clicking a button. You may want to do this to compare the “before and after” datasets side by side. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Click any cell within the dataset.
  2. Go to the Data tab on the ribbon and click Advanced within the Sort and Filter command group. This will open up the Advanced Filter window.

Remove duplicates Excel - advanced filters

  1. From the Advanced Filter window, selecting the Copy to another location radio button gives you the option of placing the new dataset somewhere else on the active worksheet.
  2. Confirm or adjust the data area by double-checking the list range.
  3. Since we aren’t looking to extract or filter special values, the Criteria range field should be empty.
  4. In the Copy to field, enter the cell reference where the new dataset will begin.
  5. Check the box for Unique records only.

Remove duplicates Excel - advanced filters

  1. Press OK.

Since Eugene Ross and Bonnie Watson are duplicated, the duplicate rows are deleted and a new dataset is created beginning at cell F1.

One drawback with advanced filters is that the filter isn’t dynamic, meaning that the extracted list does not update itself if the values in your original dataset change. The filter has to be reapplied.

Another limitation is that while your advanced filter can be in a different location on the worksheet, it must be on the same worksheet as the original dataset. 

3. Using pivot tables

What about using a pivot table to remove duplicates? To be clear, you won’t actually be removing duplicate values from your data with this method. You’ll be using a pivot table to display only the unique values from the data set. First, create a pivot table by doing the following:

  1. Select a cell inside your Excel table or the entire range of data. 
  2. Go to the Insert tab and select PivotTable. 
  3. Press OK in the Create PivotTable dialog box.

Remove duplicates Excel - pivot tablesThe PivotTable Fields pane opens up on the right of your screen.

  1. Select all the fields to add to the Rows area of the table. This isn’t looking the way we expect, so we’ll need to change the format.
  2. Go to the Design tab. From there select Report Layout. There are two options you will need to change:
  • Select - Show in Tabular Form.
  • Select - Repeat All Item Labels.
  1. Still on the Design tab, select Subtotals and click Do Not Show Subtotals.

Remove duplicates Excel - pivot tableThe pivot table displays only unique rows, so you’ve now removed any duplicate rows.

4. Using Power Query

Power Query has a command to remove duplicates right within the interface. Like several of our other methods, you can remove duplicates based on one or more columns in the table.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to the Data tab and from the Get & Transform Data command group, click the From Table/Range icon.
  2. To select multiple columns to check for duplicates, hold down the Ctrl key and click the relevant column headings.
  3. Right click one of the selected column headings and choose Remove Duplicates from the contextual menu.

Remove duplicates Excel - power query

  1. Click Close & Load and your original dataset is updated.

Remove duplicates Excel - power query

  • Note that the dataset must be formatted as an Excel table to use Power Query.


With so many options available to remove “noisy” duplicate data, your greatest challenge will be to choose the one you’re happiest with. Download the practice file and practice the methods we used above. 

Then try our free Excel crash course to get familiar with some Excel basics. Then level up your skills and become an Excel ninja with our Excel Basic and Advanced course.

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Claudia Buckley

Claudia Buckley

Claudia is a certified Microsoft Office Expert (Excel Specialist), project manager, and business skills instructor at GoSkills. She has spent over 20 years in employee professional development. Claudia has a Masters Degree in Business Administration and a Diploma in Educational Psychology. In her spare time, she reads mystery novels and is an amateur genealogist. View her profile here.